January 7, 2025

10/5/22 Steering Commission Mtg

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For the second RVAPB Steering Commission Meeting our focus was to continue to work through our logistics and spend some time learning how participatory budgeting efforts started in Durham, NC.

For the second RVAPB Steering Commission Meeting our focus was to continue to work through our logistics and spend some time learning how participatory budgeting efforts started in Durham, NC.

In general we began by confirming dates, time, place, and communications. The commission will be meeting on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month @ 4:30pm. The site of the meeting will move from district to district so that the commission can experiences different neighborhoods. The commission member representing that district will take the role of chairing the meeting. The City Attorney shared responses to the questions that had been asked in the previous meeting. (See those in the meeting notes)

We then began to share a little bit about impressions of the “What is PB?” video and some of the cases that the commission had seen on the participatory budgeting project website.

This transitioned into a conversation with Jillian Johnson, an at-large city council member in Durham, NC. She supported development of the DurhamPB process that began in 2019 and is now in its third cycle. Jillian shared a little bit about how those effort began and then responded to questions that the RVAPB commission asked.

The next meeting on 10/19/2022 will be a PB101 workshop with the Participatory Budgeting Project along with some more Questions and Answers.

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