The RVA PB Commission meeting on November 16th focused on continued refinement of the rulebook outline and working through how they would develop content for the rulebook.
The RVA PB Commission meeting on November 16th focused on continued refinement of the rulebook outline and working through how they would develop content for the rulebook.
Rulebook Outline
They started by reviewing the outline from the previous meeting and continuing to refine what will be important. Broader questions arose as to the core audience for the rulebook, how the design of the rulebook will be accessible, and how to make sure the rulebook set specific outcomes that build trust and accountablility.
Goal Review and Development
Erica then worked with the commission to develop a process for developing the goals for RVAPB. She started by creating a document of goals from other PB processes.
We then collectively read through these and discussed what we thought might be goals that RVAPB might use or what would be missing.
Next Steps
The next meeting will take place on December 7th 4:30 at the Downtown Library.
We will do the following:
1. Complete the review of the goals
2. Work with VCU on a Logic Model Workshop