January 7, 2025

11/2/22 Steering Commission Mtg

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Building on the previous meeting, which focused on going deep into the core questions that guide a PB process, this week the RVAPB Commission center its attention on exploring the rulebooks that have guided other PB initiatives around the country

Building on the previous meeting, which focused on going deep into the core questions that guide a PB process, this week the RVAPB Commission center its attention on exploring the rulebooks that have guided other PB initiatives around the country. Rulebooks are the first step in creating a PB process. A group of community members (in the case of Richmond – the RVAPB Commission) come together to build an initiative that has the community at heart and make sure the PB is directly responsive to community needs.

Over the last week the RVAPB Commission spent their time researching and reviewing rulebooks around the country. Whether Vallejo or Durham, Cleveland or Sacramento, they were getting a better understanding of what makes up a rulebook and how they might put the pieces together to develop one for Richmond.

They defined this general outline:

- General overview
- What is PB?
- Overarching goals
- Timeline
- Map –
- Budget
- Design
- Idea Collection
- Proposal Development
- Voting
- Implementation
- Evaluation
- Roles and Responsibilities
- Who was involved in the rulebook development

In the coming meetings the commission will continue to refine this outline and start to gather information to fill in the details. They will start by pulling details from other rulebooks and the developing their own.

They will also be working with an evaluation team from VCU that will help to set overarching goals and develop a logic model to guide the implement of PB. We will also be working with a local communications team at Rhudy & Co to help develop branding and language to effectively engage the community.

Here are a few links to example rulebooks and comparison created by the commission.

Greensboro, NC
Durham, NC
New York, NY
Vallejo, CA
St. Louis, MO
Eau Claire, WI
Grand Rapids, MI

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