January 7, 2025

2/1/2023 RVAPB Steering Commission Meeting

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Much like the last meeting the Commission is focusing its attention on the development of the RVAPB Rulebook.

Much like the last meeting the Commission is focusing its attention on the development of the RVAPB Rulebook.

Most of this meeting centered around doing the hard work of getting into the details that will be important to the RVAPB process, but also keeping the larger picture in focus. We are concerned with the making sure this process is successful for everyone living in Richmond, but also recognizing that we need to acknowledge where the city is and what it is capable of doing. How do we create a process that will overcome decades of distrust and bring the community together to invest in a future.

A major part of this work is balancing the standards that the City Council originally set with the creating of the RVA PB ordinance and the vision that the commission has for the future. These initial points set a tone for how and what this new community engagement process will do, but the commission is tasked with turning them into reality, setting the standards for how this process will evolve. How do they create a platform for what could be a paradigm shift in the relationship between the city and the community

A few important points came forward.

One of the first task that the commission had to do was set some overarching goals and values for RVAPB. Core to this was not using buzzwords that have come to define equity and justice initiatives, but tell the community how we were doing to do it. In this meeting, we spent time thinking about the metrics that can measure if we are achieving our goals.

Key piece of the conversation focus on what would can make RVAPB possible. What are the key infrastructures that are required to allow us to the achieve the goals that we set. This centers around making sure there is a decent amount of funding that falls inline with efforts taking place across the US. Though it also is about the staffing and volunteers that will be needed to support a deep level of engagement across the city.

Meeting Agenda:

- Welcome and Check-in
- Approve Minutes
- General Updates
- Continue development of rulebook.
- Review specific sections and share any information.
- Plan for Next Meeting

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