January 7, 2025

6/28/2023 RVAPB Commission Meeting

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As the culminating effort of the RVA PB Steering Commission, we did our final review of the rulebook and voted unanimously to approve the work.

As the culminating effort of the RVA PB Steering Commission, we did our final review of the rulebook and voted unanimously to approve the work. The next step with the rulebook is to bring it before City Council and staff for further discussion. It also provides a baseline standard that will require further alignment with city policy and programs.

After this, the Commission discussed the plans for Phase 2 of their work, which will begin in the fall of 2023. This will center on refining the community engagement process once RVAPB begins in summer of 2024 and developing relationships with community partners.

Lastly, with the commission members having come to the end of their 2 years of service, they discuss the process for commission renewal. Sadly, two members have decided to step away from the commission, but will continue to be supportive.

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